After doing some strengthening exercises, I'd get my cardio workout by either running along the canal path or riding the bicycle up in Ashridge forest. April was lovely up in the forest, so I started spending more of my time biking than running.
I'd ride along the trail watching some of the herds of deer, trying to dodge some of the bigger tree roots and jump smaller ones. A few areas had hills that were fun to ride on and give a bit of a jump at the end. I'm not very skilled at that, but it was fun to try. Definitely need to work on my landings! Almost bit the dust a few times. Ha!
Some of the farms nearby were lambing. Little babies running around after their mom trying to feed. Really sweet.
We did have a crazy hail spell one day in the second week of May. Large hail just a little shy of the size of a marble came thundering down around the house. Hearing it in the conservatory was amazing! The Magnolia tree and potted flowers in my clients yard sure got a beating though.
My trek plans for the West Highland Way was going well. I put up an event page on the couch surfing website and also on Gumtree and managed to find 3 people interested on accompanying me. An English fellow named Martin, Megan from Glasgow and a French lady, Catherine, living in Glasgow. They all seemed nice from the emails so hopefully we'll all get along and keep pace with each other.
Martin and I had a chance to meet on one of my breaks. We had lunch and walked around Berkhamstead. He sure is in good shape. He does lots of hiking, running and even biking up in mountain ranges. I asked if he'd mind hiking with someone slower then him, and he said it would be fine.
Megan likes to cycle as well, so I hope I can keep up the pace.
Now at the end of May, I've left my client in the hands of her new carer with a promise to revisit before leaving the country and headed to my cousins again out in Stratford-upon Avon. I planned to spend a few days with them before heading north for my trek.
My cousin's Jill and her son Kye came to visit us at Helen, Ronny, Jo and Nicola's place. Also my great aunty Ena was sprung out of her care home for a few days as well. We had a lovely afternoon in the sun having lunch and cake and playing table tennis. Aunty Ena did pretty well, being 93 years old!
The "travellers"were passing through Stratford as well. Strange that they parked along the roadside right beside the main roundabout, but I suppose they don't have many choices on where to park their vardos.
Today we're all just hanging around enjoying time together while the girls are in and out doing their own thing. I'm all packed up and ready to catch the bus into Birmingham to meet up with Martin tomorrow so we can drive up to Scotland together and pick up the girls!