Monday 22 August 2011


I arrived just fine :) My backpack made the long flight as well, so it is a great start. I haven't experienced "jet lag" before, but if it includes vertigo, then I guess that's what I'm getting over. Feels strange standing in one place and yet the world is still moving.

I checked into the BK Hostel on "K road" and have been meeting such wonderful people. Everyone's very friendly, and my bunk mates are great. The first night, I had a girl named Julia from Germany, and a girl named Avvil from Taiwan. We went for dinner together and chatted for hours. They both left the next morning, but 2 more people checked into my room. Caoimhe (pronounced Queeva) from Ireland and Jaques from Canada. Caoimhe and I hit it off very well and spent the next few days roaming the city together. Jaques joined us for chats and a film one of the nights.

Auckland isn't to different from other cities so I'm ready to move on now. However, there is the world cup rugy games coming up. They have the countdown going right in the city. Lol!

I'm in the process of trying to find short term work, but it's tricky with the amount of time I'm here for. Easier to get employment if I'm here for 6 months. But I'll head up north tomorrow to do some sightseeing while I wait for replies.

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